Thursday 13 September 2012

The End

It's almost the end of this semester. One more week left till our study break and then here comes final. How time flies so fast without us even realizing it. How 2012 gets so fast chasing us and yet what have we accomplished so far? I keep telling myself to be a better, greater person everyday. And all we can do is plan, work for it, trust and leave it all to Him.

May we strive in our finals and accomplish flying colours for the results later. Amin.

Yours truly,

Friday's Inspiration

Yours truly,

Thursday 2 August 2012

Microsoft and Basis Bay Educate IT Students on Cloud Technology and Green IT

Mr.Akhil Gupta, Director of Corporate Services, Basis Bay, gave a talk on Green IT at Taylor’s University on 20 June 2012.Taylor’s University continues their efforts in bringing industry experts to campus, and this can be seen as there were 2 expert series lectures organized by Taylor’s School of Computing and Information Technology. 

Dr Dzaharudin Mansor, National Technology Officer in Microsoft Malaysia, brought to students the latest development in Cloud technology, which not only bring about economic benefits to private organisations but also to the government sector as well.

In his forum held on 9 May 2012, Dr. Dzaharudin highlighted that 70% of IT budgets in organisations are spent to maintain inflexible and silo-ed date centre equipment. The advancement of cloud technology provides business agility, better efficiency, and also enterprise world class computing, made affordable for small and medium companies. 

Companies or applications which has benefited from cloud technologies include Gmail, Hotmail, and also Dropbox. Harvey Norman, the household services manufacturing giant, also did a web store scalable campaign using cloud services for rapid distributor response. The students learnt that cloud computing is a technological evolution and an efficient economic revolution, which will see many companies and organisations adapting this system into their frame works in the near future.